The Grimoire: Spells (Perdo)

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Invoke the Horrific Cacaphony Edit

Perdo (Pe) , Corpus (Co)

Range Voice Duration Diameter Target Group

Level 35

This spell inflicts the targeted group of up to 100 standard sized people with physical pain so severe that they can do nothing else except writhe in agony, and perhaps very slowly crawl away.

Gloom of Evening Edit

Perdo (Pe) , Ignem (Ig)

Range Touch Duration Diameter Target Room

Level 10

The level of light in the target room drops substantially, making the room gloomy, with deep shadows everywhere. (Base 2, +1 Touch, +1 Diam, +2 Room)

Taste of the Dulled Tongue Edit

Perdo (Pe) , Imaginem (Im)

Range Touch Duration Sun Target Individual

Level 5

Hides the taste of any substance, liquid or solid. (Base 2, +1 Touch, +2 Sun)

Tip of the Tongue Edit

Perdo (Pe) , Mentem (Me)

Range Eye Duration Diameter Target Individual

Level 5

Causes the target to forget one word of your choosing. The target cannot remember that word for the spell’s duration, but afterwards he can come up with the word without assistance by making an Intelligence + Concentration stress roll of 9+. If the target fails he may try again, but each additional roll adds +1 to the difficulty. (Base 3, +1 Eye, +1 Diam)

Trust of Childlike Faith Edit

Perdo (Pe) , Mentem (Me)

Range Eye Duration Diameter Target Individual

Level 10

The target loses judgment and believes almost any passable lie for the duration of the spell. An Intelligence stress roll of 6+ is allowed to resist. Truly incredible lies allow easier resistance rolls. (Base 4, +1 Eye, +1 Diam)

The Lost Season Edit

Perdo (Pe) , Tempus (Tp)

Range Touch Duration Momentary Target Individual

Level 25

You destroy a Season for the target, forcing them to make a Concentration roll, Ease Factor 12, or be unable to act for a Diameter. If the target is over 35, this forces an Aging roll.

Pit of the Gaping Earth Edit

Perdo (Pe) , Terram (Te)

Range Voice Duration Momentary Target Part

Level 15

The dirt in a circle 6 paces across recedes into the ground, leaving a pit 9 feet deep. If the target area contains material other than dirt, that material is not affected.

Unraveling the fabric of Imaginem Edit

Perdo (Pe) , Vim (Vi)

Range Voice Duration Moon Target Individual

Level 20

This spell will cancel the effects of anyone spell of a specified Form whose level is lessthan or equal to (spell level + 10 + stress die(no botch)). There are 10 variants that covereach Hermetic Form, and a number of muchrarer variants for different kinds of non-Hermetic magic.

Wind of Mundane Silence Edit

Perdo (Pe) , Vim (Vi)

Range Voice Duration Momentary Target Room

Level 20

You raise a metaphorical “breeze” thatblows the magic away from an area, cancelingthe effects of any spell there. You can cancelthe effects of any spell if, with this spell, youcan double the level of the spell on a stress die+ the level of your spell. The spell must pene-trate to affect effects on a creature with MagicResistance, including Parma Magica. If the spellpenetrates, and its level + the stress die is dou-ble Parma Magica x 5, then this spell dispelsthe Parma Magica. Wind of Mundane Silencedoesnot affect spells of Momentary duration.Magical things near the area of the Wind waveslightly from the “breeze.”