The Grimoire: Spells (Ignem)

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Moonbeam Edit

Creo (Cr) , Ignem (Ig)

Range Touch Duration Concentration Target Individual

Level 3

Causes a gentle light, bright enough to read by, to shine down from above and illuminate the area described by your encircled arms. Lasts as long as you hold your arms in a circle. (Base 1, +1 Touch, +1 Conc)

Phantasmal Fire Edit

Creo (Cr) , Ignem (Ig)

Range Voice Duration Sun Target Individual

Level 20

Makes an image of a fire (up to the size of a large campfire) that dances, illuminates, crackles, and (apparently) warms. It does not spread, burn, or protect against cold. Makes a great joke at gatherings of House Flambeau, although creating a real fire is even more popular. (Base 3, +2 Voice, +2 Sun, +1 for light from Ignem requisite)

Arc of Fiery Ribbons Edit

Creo (Cr) , Ignem (Ig)

Range Voice Duration Momentary Target Group

Level 25

A dozen multi-hued ribbons of flame leap from your hands and fly out as far as your voice carries, covering a 60-degree arc. All those in the arc take +10 damage

Pilum of Fire Edit

Creo (Cr) , Ignem (Ig)

Range Voice Duration Momentary Target Individual

Level 20

A 2-foot, thick, spear-shaped jet of fire flies from your palms, doing +15 damage to the individual it hits.

Tales of the Ashes Edit

Intellego (In) , Ignem (Ig)

Range Touch Duration Concentration Target Individual

Level 5

Lets you see what the ashes you touch originally were, and how and when the object was burned. The latter two are divined from markings and signs in the ashes.

Eyes of the Flame Edit

Intellego (In) , Ignem (Ig)

Range Arcane Connection Duration Concentration Target Individual

Level 35

Lets you see a fire up to the size of a large campfire to which you have an Arcane Connection. You can also see all those things which the fire illuminates. (Base 10, +4 Arc, +1 Conc)

Gloom of Evening Edit

Perdo (Pe) , Ignem (Ig)

Range Touch Duration Diameter Target Room

Level 10

The level of light in the target room drops substantially, making the room gloomy, with deep shadows everywhere. (Base 2, +1 Touch, +1 Diam, +2 Room)

Light Shaft of the Night Edit

Rego (Re) , Ignem (Ig)

Range Voice Duration Concentration Target Group

Level 20

Collects moonbeams and starlight into a single vertical shaft of soft, silvery light that moves under your control. It illuminates an area 15 paces across with light nearly equal to sunlight (if the moon is out) or moonlight (if the moon is not out). If the sky is overcast, the spell does not work. Can only be cast under the night sky. (Base 3, +2 Voice, +1 Conc, +2 Group)