The Grimoire: Spells (Mentem)

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Words of the Unbroken Silence Edit

Creo (Cr) , Mentem (Me)

Range Sight Duration Momentary Target Individual

Level 10

Lets you say two words directly to the mind of a target. The target can recognize your voice and knows that the message is of supernatural origin. (Base 3, +3 Sight)

Memory of the Distant Dream Edit

Creo (Cr) , Mentem (Me)

Range Eye Duration Sun Target Individual

Level 20

Inserts a full and complete memory into a person’s mind. If the target gives the memory some thought and concentration, and makes an Intelligence roll of 9+, the memory is revealed as false. When the duration expires, the memory vanishes, although the subject may remember remembering it. (Base 5, +1 Eye, +2 Sun)

Pains of the Perpetual Worry Edit

Creo (Cr) , Mentem (Me)

Range Eye Duration Moon Target Individual

Level 20

Gives someone a nagging, taunting, painful emotion — a recurrent sense of anxiety, a fear of something he or she does not know, a fear of everything, and a fear of nothing. To have this spell cast on you is truly a curse. (Base 4, +1 Eye, +3 Moon)

Panic of the Trembling Heart Edit

Creo (Cr) , Mentem (Me)

Range Eye Duration Sun Target Individual

Level 15

Creates an overpowering fear in one person of a specific object, person or place. (Base 4, +1 Eye, +2 Sun)

Inception of the Subconscious Conception Edit

Creo (Cr) , Mentem (Me)

Range Eye Duration Sun Target Individual

Level 20

Insert an idea multiple layers deep into a person's consciousness. BWAAHHHhh! The target thinks he or she came up with the idea him- or herself. But if it is an idea the target would usually not come up with themselves, the target can give it some extra thought and if he or she makes an Intelligence roll of 9+, the idea is dismissed. When the duration expires, the sudden inspiration fades, but the target remembers coming up with the idea.

Contrary to popular belief, this spell in not thát hard to understand.

Recollection of Better Times Edit

Creo (Cr) , Mentem (Me)

Range Voice Duration Diameter Target Group

Level 40

A group of up to 100 people experience their best memories as a dream-like vision. This dream is not necessarily accurate with their actual history or memory, but can be an idealized version of some past event. During this time the targets will experience true happiness.

Frosty Breath of the Spoken Lie Edit

Intellego (In) , Mentem (Me)

Range Eye Duration Concentration Target Individual

Level 20

For as long as you maintain this spell, the target exhales a misty breath with each spoken lie. Small bits of ice form on the person’s lips if the lie is particularly severe. In winter, when breath is visible anyway, lies produce a greater than normal amount of mist (the mist actually billows out). A target who makes a Communication + Guile stress roll of 15+ can determine whether any given statement will be taken by the spell as a lie. The spell can be defeated through extensive and judicious application of Creo Auram and Perdo Auram spells, and a demon is able to manipulate it in any way it wishes, as demons are the embodiment of deception and are never caught in a lie if they do not wish to be. House Guernicus brought the Order this spell, and it is a very poor Quaesitor who is without it. (Base 10, +1 Eye, +1 Conc, mist is a purely cosmetic effect and thus is free)

Posing the Silent Question Edit

Intellego (In) , Mentem (Me)

Range Eye Duration Momentary Target Individual

Level 20

You can ask one silent mental question of the target, then detect the answer. The truth of the answer is limited by the knowledge of the target. Questions to the effect of “What would you do if . . . ?” often receive inaccurate replies. You are likely to get what the target thinks he would do, not necessarily what he would really do. The target of this spell does not notice the questioning unless he or she makes a Magic Resistance roll. (Base 15, +1 Eye)

Recollection of Memories Never Quite Lived Edit

Muto (Mu) , Mentem (Me)

Range Eye Duration Sun Target Individual

Level 4

Changes the target’s memory of a detail into a similar, though different, memory. The target is no more sure of this manufactured memory than of the authentic one, so he may discover strange fabrications to be false. (Base 1, +1 Eye, +2 Sun)

Ignorance of Trauma Suffered Edit

Muto (Mu) , Mentem (Me)

Range Voice Duration Momentary Target Group

Level 40

The target group of up to 100 people forgets all experiences of significant pain both physical and emotional. This effect is undone when the target experiences significant pain again, at which point all previously erased memories will immediately return. This is a very traumatic event, as targets suddenly regain en re-experience these moments of pain.

Tip of the Tongue Edit

Perdo (Pe) , Mentem (Me)

Range Eye Duration Diameter Target Individual

Level 5

Causes the target to forget one word of your choosing. The target cannot remember that word for the spell’s duration, but afterwards he can come up with the word without assistance by making an Intelligence + Concentration stress roll of 9+. If the target fails he may try again, but each additional roll adds +1 to the difficulty. (Base 3, +1 Eye, +1 Diam)

Trust of Childlike Faith Edit

Perdo (Pe) , Mentem (Me)

Range Eye Duration Diameter Target Individual

Level 10

The target loses judgment and believes almost any passable lie for the duration of the spell. An Intelligence stress roll of 6+ is allowed to resist. Truly incredible lies allow easier resistance rolls. (Base 4, +1 Eye, +1 Diam)

The Call to Slumber Edit

Rego (Re) , Mentem (Me)

Range Voice Duration Momentary Target Individual

Level 10

The target becomes sleepy and falls asleep within a few seconds. (Base 4, +2 Voice)

Aura of Rightful Authority Edit

Rego (Re) , Mentem (Me)

Range Eye Duration Sun Target Individual

Level 20

The target of the spell is strongly inclined to obey you, as if you were his natural superior. (Base 5, +1 Eye, +2 Sun)

Scent of Peaceful Slumber Edit

Rego (Re) , Mentem (Me)

Range Voice Duration Momentary Target Room

Level 20

Everyone in the room falls asleep over a few seconds, with the smell of lilacs in their nostrils.

(Base 4, +2 Voice, +2 Room)

Enslave the Mortal Mind Edit

Rego (Re) , Mentem (Me)

Range Eye Duration Sun Target Individual

Level 40

Enables you to completely control the loyalty, emotions, desires, interests, and activities of any person. People revert to normal when the spell ends, and may be extremely angry with the magus

Aura of Unstoppable Malevolence Edit

Rego (Re) , Mentem (Me)

Range Voice Duration Sun Target Group

Level 35

Targets of this spell are strongly inclined to obey you, as their sense of fear if heightened for the duration of the spell.