The Grimoire: Spells (Corpus)

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The Shadow of Life Renewed Edit

Creo (Cr) , Corpus (Co)

Range Touch Duration Momentary Target Individual


Level 75

Brings a semblance of life to a corpse. During the ritual, healing spells work on the corpse, since the body must be physically whole or it dies again once brought to life. For each day the person has been dead, roll for aging. When the ritual is complete, roll to determine the success of the attempt: Roll Result 1 body dissolves 2 body possessed by a demon, faerie, or other supernatural entity 3 mindless, useless living corpse 4–5 automaton with no Abilities over 3 6–7 automaton, Abilities as normal person’s 8 person with self-direction but no personality, and dangerously demented 9–10 person with will, but no personality In any case, the revived person is not truly alive and is unable to gain experience points. Also, the person must make an aging roll at the beginning of each year of its existence, regardless of age. This is the closest that the Order has gotten to raising a person from the dead. (Base 70, +1 Touch, no addition for requisite)

Gift of the Herculean Fortitude Edit

Muto (Mu) , Corpus (Co)

Range Touch Duration Diameter Target Individual

Level 50

The target gains a bonus of +8 to Soak.

Invoke the Horrific Cacaphony Edit

Perdo (Pe) , Corpus (Co)

Range Voice Duration Diameter Target Group

Level 35

This spell inflicts the targeted group of up to 100 standard sized people with physical pain so severe that they can do nothing else except writhe in agony, and perhaps very slowly crawl away.

Curse of the Unruly Tongue Edit

Rego (Re) , Corpus (Co)

Range Voice Duration Concentration Target Individual

Level 5

Causes the target to stutter and slurwords. Communication rolls are at –3. Spokenspells are at –6 to the spellcasting roll, andthere is an extra botch die

Spasms of the Uncontrollable Hand Edit

Rego (Re) , Corpus (Co)

Range Voice Duration Concentration Target Individual

Level 5

One of the target’s hands spasms, causinghim to drop anything he is holding in it. Itkeeps spasming for as long as you concentrate.

Awaken the Slumbering Corpse Edit

Rego (Re) , Corpus (Co)

Range Voice Duration Concentration Target Individual

Level 25

Causes a corpse to function at your verbalcommand. Commands have to be very simple,like “attack anyone who comes through here.”The corpse used cannot have been buried byChurch ceremony

Forcing the Statue of Man Edit

Rego (Re) , Corpus (Co)

Range Voice Duration Diameter Target Individual

Level 20

The spell holds the target motionless for two minutes, during which time they cannot move at all. This prohibits all physical movement such as talking, spell casting, and even changing the direction they are looking.