The Grimoire: Spells (Muto)

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Steed of Vengeance Edit

Muto (Mu) , Animal (An)

Range Touch Duration Sun Target Individual

Level 35

Turns a horse into a ferocious magical mount. Its coat becomes a deep black and its eyes a fiery red, its teeth transform into fangs, its hooves become razor sharp, and it occasionally breathes steam from its mouth — the horse seems a creature from Hell itself. All Attack and Damage rolls get a +5 bonus. The horse tolerates a magus rider. When the spell wears off, the horse must make a Stamina stress roll of 9+ or die from shock. (Base 15, +1 Touch, +2 Sun, +1 size)

Vile Water of Sterility Edit

Muto (Mu) , Aquam (Aq)

Range Touch Duration Year Target Group


Level 45

Ruins a body of water up to the size of a small lake, making it unfit for natural habitation and consumption. The water becomes dark and murky, and noxious fumes emanate from it. Vegetation on the banks either dies or becomes corrupt. Nearby trees become gnarled and blackened, and land animals flee the area. (Base 4 (a very unnatural liquid), +1 Touch, +4 Year, +2 Group, +2 size)

Gift of the Herculean Fortitude Edit

Muto (Mu) , Corpus (Co)

Range Touch Duration Diameter Target Individual

Level 50

The target gains a bonus of +8 to Soak.

Taste of the Spices and Herbs Edit

Muto (Mu) , Imaginem (Im)

Range Touch Duration Sun Target Individual

Level 5

A setting’s worth of food or drink tastes and smells exactly as you designate. (Base 2, +1 Touch, +2 Sun)

Aura of Ennobled Presence Edit

Muto (Mu) , Imaginem (Im)

Range Touch Duration Sun Target Individual

Level 10

The target appears more forceful, authoritative, and believable. Numerous subtle changes in appearance bring about this change, including a slight supernatural illumination of the face, a more erect posture, and a louder and smoother voice. The character gets a +3 on rolls to influence, lead, or convince others. (Base 3, +1 Touch, +2 Sun)

Notes of a Delightful Sound Edit

Muto (Mu) , Imaginem (Im)

Range Touch Duration Sun Target Room

Level 10

Causes all sounds in a room, particularly music, to be especially clear and sonorous. The notes are clearer, sharper, and more distinct. (Base 1, +1 Touch, +2 Sun, +2 Room)

Recollection of Memories Never Quite Lived Edit

Muto (Mu) , Mentem (Me)

Range Eye Duration Sun Target Individual

Level 4

Changes the target’s memory of a detail into a similar, though different, memory. The target is no more sure of this manufactured memory than of the authentic one, so he may discover strange fabrications to be false. (Base 1, +1 Eye, +2 Sun)

Ignorance of Trauma Suffered Edit

Muto (Mu) , Mentem (Me)

Range Voice Duration Momentary Target Group

Level 40

The target group of up to 100 people forgets all experiences of significant pain both physical and emotional. This effect is undone when the target experiences significant pain again, at which point all previously erased memories will immediately return. This is a very traumatic event, as targets suddenly regain en re-experience these moments of pain.

The Crystal Dart Edit

Muto (Mu) , Terram (Te)

Range Voice Duration Momentary Target Individual

Level 10

A 10-inch crystal dart rises from the ground at your feet, floats into the air, and speeds off like an arrow at a target that is within Voice range. It does +10 damage, and always hits its target, although it must penetrate Magic Resistance to have any real effect

Rock of Viscid Clay Edit

Muto (Mu) , Terram (Te)

Range Touch Duration Sun Target Part

Level 15

Softens rock enough that it may be dug out, molded, and otherwise manipulated in the same way that hard river clay can be. The rock is slightly sticky. The spell affects rock in a roughly spherical shape with a three-foot diameter.

Edge of the Razor Edit

Muto (Mu) , Terram (Te)

Range Touch Duration Sun Target Individual

Level 20

Sharpens any metal edge to a degree unequaled by manual methods. An edged or pointed weapon gains a +2 bonus to Damage. Good-natured magi reward grogs by enchanting their weapons in this way, although since the resulting sword is resisted by Magic Resistance they rarely do this for all their grogs.