The Grimoire: Spells (Animal)

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Soothe Pains of the Beast Edit

Creo (Cr) , Animal (An)

Range Touch Duration Momentary Target Individual


Level 20

This spell looks much like a ritualistic “laying on of hands” seen in many churches. You kneel and press your hands to the wound while reciting a quiet incantation. The spell cures one Light Wound suffered by the animal. Asaron of Flambeau believes his mission in life is to repopulate the world so there will be more to kill, and thus spends seasons healing animals and people throughout Europe. In his version of this spell, a black patch in the shape of a tongue of fire is left where the wound was. A symbolic flame is seen in almost all of Asaron’s spells, making it his wizard’s sigil. (Base level 15, +1 Touch)

True Rest of the Injured Brute Edit

Creo (Cr) , Animal (An)

Range Touch Duration Moon Target Individual

Level 20

The injured target gets a +9 bonus to all Recovery rolls made while the spell is in effect. (Base 4, +1 Touch, +3 Moon)

Image of the Beast Edit

Intellego (In) , Animal (An)

Range Arcane Connection Duration Momentary Target Individual

Level 5

Gives you a hazy mental image of an animal you have an Arcane Connection to. Wounds caused by an animal are an Arcane Connection to that animal with a lifetime of a few hours. This spell can thus be used to find out what was responsible for an attack. All spells cast by Chavin of Tytalus can be recognized because they promote or advocate war or violence. In his version of this spell, the claws and teeth of the beast appear more dangerous. (Base 1, +4 Arcane Connection)

Steed of Vengeance Edit

Muto (Mu) , Animal (An)

Range Touch Duration Sun Target Individual

Level 35

Turns a horse into a ferocious magical mount. Its coat becomes a deep black and its eyes a fiery red, its teeth transform into fangs, its hooves become razor sharp, and it occasionally breathes steam from its mouth — the horse seems a creature from Hell itself. All Attack and Damage rolls get a +5 bonus. The horse tolerates a magus rider. When the spell wears off, the horse must make a Stamina stress roll of 9+ or die from shock. (Base 15, +1 Touch, +2 Sun, +1 size)

Commanding the Harnessed Beast Edit

Rego (Re) , Animal (An)

Range Touch Duration Sun Target Individual

Level 30

You implant a complicated command into an animal, which it carries out to the best of its abilities. The command must involve completing a certain task, such as finding a certain person. Vague orders, like “protect me,” do not work. If the animal does not complete the task before the end of the spell approaches, it becomes desperately ferocious, especially at night. (Base 15, +1 Touch, +2 Sun)

Soothe the Ferocious Bear Edit

Rego (Re) , Animal (An)

Range Voice Duration Momentary Target Individual

Level 10

Calms an animal until it is threatened or aroused again. You must speak soothingly or musically to it, and something as simple as approaching it may arouse it again.