The Grimoire: Spells (Aquam)

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Wings of the Soaring Wind Edit

Creo (Cr) , Aquam (Aq)

Range Touch Duration Concentration Target Individual

Level 30

Generates a massive gust of air around you that supports and pushes you along through the air at speeds up to 40 miles per hour. Hovering in place is difficult, and requires a Finesse roll against an Ease Factor of 9 per round. It is dangerous for extended travel because if you lose concentration, you are likely to sustain serious injuries (+15 damage on average, although it may be more if the magus was very high up) Base 5, +1 Touch, +1 Conc, +2 highly unnatural, +1 Rego req.

Vile Water of Sterility Edit

Muto (Mu) , Aquam (Aq)

Range Touch Duration Year Target Group


Level 45

Ruins a body of water up to the size of a small lake, making it unfit for natural habitation and consumption. The water becomes dark and murky, and noxious fumes emanate from it. Vegetation on the banks either dies or becomes corrupt. Nearby trees become gnarled and blackened, and land animals flee the area. (Base 4 (a very unnatural liquid), +1 Touch, +4 Year, +2 Group, +2 size)

Breath of Winter Edit

Rego (Re) , Aquam (Aq)

Range Touch Duration Sun Target Part

Level 15

Turns a circle of water up to five paces across into snow.