The Grimoire: Spells (Intellego)

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Image of the Beast Edit

Intellego (In) , Animal (An)

Range Arcane Connection Duration Momentary Target Individual

Level 5

Gives you a hazy mental image of an animal you have an Arcane Connection to. Wounds caused by an animal are an Arcane Connection to that animal with a lifetime of a few hours. This spell can thus be used to find out what was responsible for an attack. All spells cast by Chavin of Tytalus can be recognized because they promote or advocate war or violence. In his version of this spell, the claws and teeth of the beast appear more dangerous. (Base 1, +4 Arcane Connection)

Probe Nature's Hidden Lore Edit

Intellego (In) , Herbam (He)

Range Touch Duration Momentary Target Individual

Level 4

Tells you what kind of plant you are touching. You also get an image of it in its nat- ural habitat. Works with plant products as well as with plants themselves. (Base 3, +1 Touch)

Tales of the Ashes Edit

Intellego (In) , Ignem (Ig)

Range Touch Duration Concentration Target Individual

Level 5

Lets you see what the ashes you touch originally were, and how and when the object was burned. The latter two are divined from markings and signs in the ashes.

Eyes of the Flame Edit

Intellego (In) , Ignem (Ig)

Range Arcane Connection Duration Concentration Target Individual

Level 35

Lets you see a fire up to the size of a large campfire to which you have an Arcane Connection. You can also see all those things which the fire illuminates. (Base 10, +4 Arc, +1 Conc)

Prying Eyes Edit

Intellego (In) , Imaginem (Im)

Range Touch Duration Concentration Target Room

Level 5

You can see inside a room, as long as you can touch one of its walls. If the room is unlit or poorly lit, you can only see as much as you could if you were inside, but magical enhance- ments of your senses do apply. You may change your viewpoint within the room throughout the duration of the spell. (Base 1, +1 Touch, +1 Conc, +2 Room)

Frosty Breath of the Spoken Lie Edit

Intellego (In) , Mentem (Me)

Range Eye Duration Concentration Target Individual

Level 20

For as long as you maintain this spell, the target exhales a misty breath with each spoken lie. Small bits of ice form on the person’s lips if the lie is particularly severe. In winter, when breath is visible anyway, lies produce a greater than normal amount of mist (the mist actually billows out). A target who makes a Communication + Guile stress roll of 15+ can determine whether any given statement will be taken by the spell as a lie. The spell can be defeated through extensive and judicious application of Creo Auram and Perdo Auram spells, and a demon is able to manipulate it in any way it wishes, as demons are the embodiment of deception and are never caught in a lie if they do not wish to be. House Guernicus brought the Order this spell, and it is a very poor Quaesitor who is without it. (Base 10, +1 Eye, +1 Conc, mist is a purely cosmetic effect and thus is free)

Posing the Silent Question Edit

Intellego (In) , Mentem (Me)

Range Eye Duration Momentary Target Individual

Level 20

You can ask one silent mental question of the target, then detect the answer. The truth of the answer is limited by the knowledge of the target. Questions to the effect of “What would you do if . . . ?” often receive inaccurate replies. You are likely to get what the target thinks he would do, not necessarily what he would really do. The target of this spell does not notice the questioning unless he or she makes a Magic Resistance roll. (Base 15, +1 Eye)

Know the Moth's Executioner Edit

Intellego (In) , Tempus (Tp)

Range Touch Duration Momentary Target Individual

Level 5

The magus passes his hand through a lit flame and learns the exact moment of time since a candle was lit.

Probe for pure silver Edit

Intellego (In) , Terram (Te)

Range Personal Duration Momentary Target Room

Level 4

You can smell silver, and follow the scent.

The Miner's Keen Eye Edit

Intellego (In) , Terram (Te)

Range Personal Duration Concentration Target Group

Level 20

You can see any one type of mineral (gold, diamond, sand), specified at the time of casting, through up to 3 paces of intervening material. You have a good idea of how much is there and how pure it is, if appropriate.

Tracks of the Faerie Glow Edit

Intellego (In) , Terram (Te)

Range Personal Duration Concentration Target Room

Level 25

Causes even faintly perceptible tracks of a specific being to glow with a faint magic light, making them stand out when you are within 30 paces of them. The glow provides a bonus to Tracking rolls, which depends on the relationship between the target being tracked and the terrain. If the target is magically related to the terrain, +2; native to the terrain, +4; neutral to the terrain, +6; inimical to the terrain, +8. Tracking at night without a light source doubles the bonus. The more faint the tracks are, the more dimly they glow, so the storyguide may also modify the bonus based on the length of time since the target passed.

Piercing the Faerie Veil Edit

Intellego (In) , Vim (Vi)

Range Personal Duration Concentration Target Individual

Level 20

This spell allows the caster to see through the boundaries of regiones, and therefore divine the path to the next level (more details about regiones are given on page 189). There are separate but related spells for Divine, Magical and Infernal regiones. (Base 3, +1 Conc, +4 Vision)

Piercing the Magical Veil Edit

Intellego (In) , Vim (Vi)

Range Personal Duration Concentration Target Boundary

Level 20

This spell allows the caster to see throughthe boundaries of regiones, and thereforedivine the path to the next level (more detailsabout regiones are given on page 189). Thereare separate but related spells for Divine,Magical and Infernal regiones.