The Grimoire: Spells (RegoTerram)

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Unseen Arm Edit

Rego (Re) , Terram (Te)

Range Voice Duration Concentration Target Individual

Level 5

Slowly moves a nonliving thing, like a mug, instrument, or small pouch of coins; it cannot oppose intentional resistance. Magi use this spell to manipulate things at a distance, but the spell cannot be used to pull something from a person’s hand or to move something that is held. Casting requisites of an appropriate Form for the target are required. (Base 2, +2 Voice, +1 Conc)

The Unseen Porter Edit

Rego (Re) , Terram (Te)

Range Voice Duration Concentration Target Individual

Level 10

Like Unseen Arm (ReTe 5), but it can carry large objects such as crates. Roughly speaking, it has the capabilities of a very strong person (Str +5). The heavier the object is, the slower the unseen porter moves. If delicacy is required, high Finesse stress rolls (12+ or so) are needed. The spell can only carry inanimate objects, and cannot carry you. It also cannot lift things more than 6 feet above the ground. Casting requisites of an appropriate Form for the target are required.

Crest of the Earth Wave Edit

Rego (Re) , Terram (Te)

Range Voice Duration Momentary Target Part

Level 20

Creates a wave in the earth that starts at your feet and travels out to the range of your Voice in a designated direction. It starts as a narrow ripple and within 5 paces reaches its full size of 5 feet high and 30 paces wide. It moves about 50 paces per round. Those caught in its path must make Dexterity stress rolls of 12+ to leap over the wave, or they are tossed aside and take +10 Damage. The wave overturns trees and damages buildings in its path.