The Grimoire: Spells (CreoAnimal)

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Soothe Pains of the Beast Edit

Creo (Cr) , Animal (An)

Range Touch Duration Momentary Target Individual


Level 20

This spell looks much like a ritualistic “laying on of hands” seen in many churches. You kneel and press your hands to the wound while reciting a quiet incantation. The spell cures one Light Wound suffered by the animal. Asaron of Flambeau believes his mission in life is to repopulate the world so there will be more to kill, and thus spends seasons healing animals and people throughout Europe. In his version of this spell, a black patch in the shape of a tongue of fire is left where the wound was. A symbolic flame is seen in almost all of Asaron’s spells, making it his wizard’s sigil. (Base level 15, +1 Touch)

True Rest of the Injured Brute Edit

Creo (Cr) , Animal (An)

Range Touch Duration Moon Target Individual

Level 20

The injured target gets a +9 bonus to all Recovery rolls made while the spell is in effect. (Base 4, +1 Touch, +3 Moon)