The Grimoire: Spells (CreoAuram)

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Wrath of Whirling Winds and Water Edit

Creo (Cr) , Auram (Au)

Range Sight Duration Sun Target Group


Level 65

This spell creates an immense storm, 40 or more miles wide, of hurricane intensity. The storm builds up while you cast the ritual, and dissipates in a few seconds when the spell’s duration ends. The gale-force winds and lashing waves cause immense damage along shorelines, and the winds, rain, and lightning cause extensive damage inland as well. Visibility is reduced to a few paces, missile fire is futile, and travel is nearly suicidal. Weak structures are blown over, and all but the most seaworthy ships are certain to flounder unless they can be beached before the storm reaches full intensity. The storm is not under the caster’s control, and moves normally. (Base 5, +3 Sight, +2 Sun, +2 Group, +5 size)

Incantation of Lightning Edit

Creo (Cr) , Auram (Au)

Range Voice Duration Momentary Target Individual

Level 35

A lightning bolt shoots forth from your outstretched hand in the direction you are pointing, doing +30 damage to a single target it hits. There must be nothing between you and the target. Those near the target must make Size stress rolls of 6+ to remain standing. (Base 5, +2 Voice, +4 unnatural)

Pull of the Skybound Winds Edit

Creo (Cr) , Auram (Au)

Range Voice Duration Concentration Target Individual

Level 30

Makes winds rise upward, pulling one object, creature or person up to 50 feet into the sky before letting that target drop. Even a small building can be torn from its foundation, though such a building can be no larger that 20 feet to a side, and cannot be built out of a material heavier than stout wood. Uprooted objects fall randomly, unless you make a Finesse stress roll against an Ease Factor of 12 to choose where the objects will fall. (Base 5, +2 Voice, +1 Conc, +2 unnatural)

Circling Winds of Protection Edit

Creo (Cr) , Auram (Au)

Range Touch Duration Concentration Target Individual

Level 20

Surrounds you with winds that circle at great speed. Since the wind picks up dust and other small, loose objects, you may be obscured. Anyone standing near enough to attack you with a hand weapon must make a Size stress roll of 9+ at the beginning of each round or be blown back. Melee Attack rolls against you are at –3, and missile or thrown attacks are at –9. (Base 3, +1 Touch, +1 Conc, +2 unnatural, +1 Rego effect)

Charge of the Angry Winds Edit

Creo (Cr) , Auram (Au)

Range Voice Duration Concentration Target Individual

Level 15

A wall of wind roars away from you, starting up to 10 paces away and continuing until it dissipates naturally. The wind is confined by any existing barriers, but if unconfined it can be up to a hundred paces wide. All within the area must make a Dexterity + Size stress roll of 9+ or fall down and be blown along by the winds. The rolls must be made at the start of the gale and each subsequent round that the wind is maintained. You must concentrate on the gale. Missile fire into or out of the gale is futile, and marching against the gale requires a Strength + Size stress roll of 15+. Failure in this attempt mandates another Dexterity + Size stress roll of 12+ to keep from falling.