The Grimoire: Abilities (General)

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(Area) Lore* Edit

Knowledge of one particular region, covenant, or even a village. It includes knowing where things are in the immediate area, local history and legends, and the centers of power in the region. The smaller the region, the more detailed your knowledge. Specialties: geography, history, legends, politics, personalities. (General)

Animal Handling Edit

<p>Care and use of animals, including raising, tending, grooming, and healing them.</p> <p>Specialties: falconry, specific animals.</p>

Athletics Edit

<p>General physical prowess. It includes moving smoothly, confidently, and with grace. Use of Athletics improves most large-muscle coordination. Specialties: acrobatics, contortions, grace, jumping, running.</p>

Awareness Edit

<p>Noticing things, be they things you are looking for or things that you are not expecting. It is also used to see how alert you are in circumstances that require watchfulness. Specialties: bodyguarding, keeping watch, alertness, searching. </p>

Bargain Edit

<p>The know-how to get the greatest return for a service or product, while paying the least. It involves reading the person with whom you haggle, a general knowledge of the value of goods, and presenting yourself in certain ways. A good haggler can easily overcome resistance in an inexperienced customer and see through attempts to over-value most merchandise. Specialties: specific types of products, hard sell. </p>

Brawl Edit

<p>Fighting hand-to-hand without weapons, or with the sorts of improvised weapons you just pick up, including knives. Brawl is also the Ability used to dodge attacks if you have no Martial Abilities. Specialties: punches, grapples, knives, dodging. </p>

Carouse Edit

<p>The ability to enjoy oneself without suffering adverse effects. A person with this skill can, for example, consume prodigious amounts of alcohol without passing out. The skill also covers a familiarity with acceptable behavior, balancing enjoyment and moderation. With this Skill, a person is able to have fun and gain friends among the lower classes nearly anywhere, even among those of a different culture. Specialties: power drinking, drinking songs, games of chance, staying sober.</p>

Charm Edit

<p>Enticing, fascinating, and endearing others to you, but only on a personal basis. It can be used to win someone over emotionally, especially members of the opposite sex. Specialties: courtly love, first impressions, being witty.</p>

Chirurgy* Edit

<p>This is Middle Ages-style surgery, used to help others recover from physical damage. It encompasses tending and binding wounds of all varieties, and the necessary but brutal skill of cauterization. See “Wounds” starting on page 178 for rules. Specialties: cauterization, diagnosis, binding wounds, setting bones.</p>

Craft (Type) Edit

A general term for countless Abilities, all dealing with handiwork of some type. In general, Craft Abilities are distinguished by the material they work with, although you may also take a Craft Ability that allows the character to work with several materials in one specific way. You may purchase Craft more than once, choosing a different one each time. Skill in one Craft does not imply skill in any others. Specialties: as appropriate to the craft. (General)

Enigmatic Wisdom Edit

A far-reaching perception of strange andbaffling phenomena that helps you understandtheir nature, though you may seem strange oreven ludicrous to the uninitiated. Your score inthis Knowledge is added to rolls to interpretdreams and riddles, and to understand phan-tasms and arcane or mysterious situations.Thanks to this Ability, Criamon magi go intoWizard’s Twilight (see page 88) more often, butsurvive it better than most. Specialties:inter-preting signs, explaining the Enigma, Twilight.

Etiquette Edit

You know the social graces and how tobehave in different situations. Etiquette differsfrom Charm in that Etiquette covers properbehavior, rather than charming behavior. Youcannot seduce someone with Etiquette, but nei-ther can you get through an audience with thebishop on Charm alone. Specialties:nobility,court, peasants, faeries, the Church. (General

Hunt Edit

Setting snares, choosing appropriatehunting spots, and following and identifyingthe spoor of creatures of all varieties. ThisAbility also lets you cover your tracks or notleave any in the first place. Specialties:track-ing, covering tracks, hunting a specific animal

Infernal Lore* Edit

An understanding and familiarity with thesinister side of the world, primarily the Infernaland its agents. Includes knowledge of demons andtheir habits and weaknesses, undead and theirhabits and weaknesses, and the power of curses.Specialties:demons, undead, curses. (Arcane)

Intrigue Edit

Dealing and plotting, including subtle use of power in non-confrontational ways to achieve your own ends. Intrigue need not be underhanded or manipulative — it also covers negotiations and knowledge of formal and informal rules of conduct and politeness. In addition, Intrigue also allows a character to pick up important information about those in power, separating fact from useless gossip. Intrigue is a vital talent for those who frequent court or a Hermetic Tribunal. Specialties: gossip, plotting, rumormongering, alliances.

Premonitions* Edit

You intuitively sense whenever somethingis wrong, or is likely to go wrong soon. ThisAbility can be called upon by you or the sto-ryguide, as appropriate, whenever there is achance to avoid danger. Roll Perception +Premonitions against an Ease Factor dependingon the situation. The Ease Factor starts at 3 forimminent, mortal peril, and increases as the dis-tance in time increases and the level of dangerdecreases. Mortal peril a week in the futurewould have an Ease Factor of 9, while an immi-nent minor inconvenience would have an EaseFactor of about 15. If you beat the Ease Factorby 3 or more, you also get some sense of thenature of the danger, with more detail if youroll more highly. Specialties:threats to a par-ticular person or group of people, particularkinds of threats. (Supernatural)P

Ride Edit

Riding and controlling a horse, especially under stress. Specialties:battle, speed, tricks.

Stealth Edit

Sneaking about without being seen orheard, also hiding in one place. This includesfollowing people without their noticing, whichis rolled against the other person’s Perception.Specialties:hide, sneak, shadowing, urbanareas, natural areas.

Survival Edit

Finding food, water, shelter, a directroute, and relative safety in the wilderness (avery dangerous place in Mythic Europe). ThisAbility covers such mundane tasks as building afire and cooking food without implements

Swim Edit

The ability to propel yourself through water quickly and efficiently. Specialties: long distances, diving, underwater maneuvering.