The Grimoire: Abilities (Arcane)

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Code of Hermes* Edit

<p>Judging events according to the Code of Hermes and the Peripheral Code. In addition to memorizing important precedents, this knowledge includes the practical side of enforcing Hermetic law — for example, knowing when to push for a vote or how to present an argument. Specialties: Wizards’ Marches, apprentices, mundane relations, Tribunal procedures, political intrigue.</p>

Faerie Lore* Edit

<p>Familiarity with faerie powers, weaknesses, motivations, and areas. Specialties: faerie forests, faerie mounds, specific types of faeries.</p>

Magic Theory* Edit

<p>Knowledge of what magic is and how it works, used primarily in the laboratory. Magic Theory deals with the technical details of Hermetic magic; Magic Lore covers knowledge of magical things in general. Anyone can learn Magic Theory, if they have access to a teacher or book (normally represented by a Virtue), but it is little use to those without The Gift. Specialties: inventing spells, enchanting items, a single Art.</p>

Parma Magica* Edit

<p>Protection from magic. This is a special ritual (not a ritual spell) that takes about two minutes to perform. It lets you add 5 times your Parma Magica score to your magic resistance until the next sunrise or sunset, whichever comes first. You may suppress your Parma Magica temporarily by concentrating; this is equivalent to sustaining a Concentration duration spell. (See page 82). Parma Magica does not require concentration while it is active.</p> <p>You may also protect one other person for each point in Parma Magica, with their consent. You must touch each person to start the protection, and it lasts as long as at least one character can see the other. The magus may cancel the protection at will, at any distance. While a magus is protecting others, his effective Parma Magica score is reduced by 3 points, both for himself and for the other people he is protecting. If the magus has a Parma Magica score of 3 or lower, his Parma Magica provides each character, including himself, with a Magic Resistance of 0. In the magus’s case, this is added to his Form resistance, and a magus protected by another magus’s Parma Magica may also add his Form resistance.</p> <p>Parma Magica can only be learned by Gifted characters, although they learn it as a normal Arcane Ability, not a Supernatural Ability. It is only known by Hermetic magi, as the Order enforces the “Join or Die” choice rigorously on anyone who knows it, as well as declaring a Wizard’s March on the magus who taught it. Parma Magica is the last thing an apprentice learns, being taught the final key to the Ability after he swears the Oath.</p> <p>Specialties: protection from any specific Form. </p>